Heyu Overyonder...

Howdy y'all! I'm Keene. I'm here, I'm queer, and when I'm not answering emails for all eternity I'm an avid hobbyist.

IRL, I work as a virtual customer service 'gent for a miniature ttrpg terrain company. I have a b.a. in psych that I wrenched from the cold, overpriced hands of a texas state college in 2020. I love biting off way more than I can chew on projects (thanks to good 'ol fashioned ADHD), so i'm often getting involved with volunteer haunted houses, regional burns, and tending to my dad's houseplants.

Online, I once was an avid participant in Habbo Hotel going by the name rosehunter. I've seen the rise and fall of homestuck text based rp sites like MSPAINTRP, Charat, and even MXRP. I was on deviantART until I grew out of it, and now I just sort of float around tumblr. My partner introduced me to neocities, and i've been going down the rabbit hole of indie web for all of... two days? Yeah.


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